way to crack ielts


The Future Perfect tense expresses action in the future before another action in the future. This is the past in the future.
Future Perfect Tense के वाक्यो के अन्त मे हिन्दी मे “चुका होगा”, “चुके होंगे”, “चुकी होगी”, “चुका हूंगा” आता है ।

IELTS causes and solutions essay – band 9 guide

IELTS causes and solutions Essay – Band 9 Guide
IELTS examiners want you to discuss the causes or reasons of the problem in one paragraph and the possible solutions to eradicate that problem in the second paragraph separately and at the end, you can provide suggestion or advice on the problem. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of causes (reasons) and solutions respectively after reading the question for IELTS Writing .

How to describe a bar CHART

There are a couple of different structures you can follow when describing an IELTS Bar Chart. These are very important in academic writing. But today we will teach you a structure where you assign each sentence of your text to a topic – kind of the opposite of what you usually do when writing task 2.

IELTS Pie Chart: Overview, Writing Strategies, Tips and Samples

In writing module, task 1, of the academic section there will be a visual representation or a diagram on which you have to write a paragraph. One of these visual representations may be pie charts. Pie Charts are the circular charts that are divided into sections or pie slices usually representing the percentages. Each section of the pie chart shows the percentage of data that it represents. When you put all the sections together it forms a circle. The Pie charts are most commonly used in multimedia and business world and less commonly used in scientific and technical publications.